Month: December 2015

  • Filipino American Experience in NM Book/eBook

    The Filipino American Experience in New Mexico is the first book and eBook about Filipinos in New Mexico by the Filipino American National Historical Society Rio Grande Chapter (FANHS RG). It is also the first eBook produced by any chapter of FANHS (which has 30 chapters all over the United States). This project was done…

  • FAFNM Scholarship

    College Scholarship /Award Every year, the Filipino American Foundation of New Mexico (FAFNM) offers scholarship funds to Filipino American students who are FAFNM members and are going to accredited university or community college in New Mexico only.  It is also our way to thank our youth who give back to the Filipino community by performing,…

  • Filipinos in New Mexico

    With New Mexico’s 2 million population, there are 4,647 Filipinos (one race) (Reference: ACS_13_3YR_B02015 NM) or 8,074 Filipino Americans (combination of races) (Reference: ACS_13_3YR_B02018 NM) in New Mexico, according to the US Census Bureau, American Fact Finder, 3-year (2011-2013) survey estimate.  Also see:  Cities with the highest percentage of Filipinos in NM. See bottom for the Highlights in Philippine-New Mexico…